Save time with FREE on-site delivery

Delivery is always free for S-W PROs

Delivery is always free for pros. Plus, less time spent on the road means you'll have more time in your day for painting.

We make it easy to request delivery — whether you order online or in the PRO+ app.

No address? No problem. You can set your delivery location on a map during checkout (web orders only).

Call-in your delivery to your store, request delivery online, or contact your rep today.

Choose "request delivery" when you check out online.

Register or sign-in to start using PRO+ tools today.

Ready to get started with an online order?

  1. Select Request Delivery at checkout.
  2. Enter an address or drop a pin on the map.
  3. Provide requested timing and special instructions.
  4. Get on with your day!
Request Delivery

"My experience was a great one... it was a 10 on a 1-10 scale."

-Chris Jones, Chris Jones Coatings

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